Final volume in the 8 disc set, which is a direct response to the Borack 200 list of essential PowerPop albums.
The result is a mishmash, of obvious heavy hitters and no-hit wonders, from the days when it *all* was considered punk.
Some Liner notes:
This series is dedicated to the lovely and talented (and Poppers cover grrrl) Ms. Kara Beaner:
One day, (knowing full well that she'd get a mixtape out of it) Ms. Kara asked me why there wasn't much from the 80's that followed in the wake of Stiv Bators? After explaining to her that Stiv's Disconnected album was just a part of PowerPop's 1978-83 "golden age", I quickly (6 weeks) tossed together a couple of C-90's for her...
Well, before I knew it, she was performing one of the shiny new (to her) finds:
As well, my then-roommate Jordin from Halifax (who's somewhat of a This Is Boston, Not L.A. hardcore snob), had asked me for a mix of some Killed By Death-era punk tunes. As I put that mix together, my ears could hear a fair bit of "pop" crossover...
At the same time, rare and out-of-print tracks from the Borack Top 200 PowerPop list were circulating in the blogosphere. I heard a lot of gems, for the first time, that had never made it to wherever I was (usually on tour) back in the day. I decided to expand on my original premise as I sifted through it all.
The Flys, Testors, and Sunnyboys are a few of the bands that I'd never heard of even 2 years ago... But the biggest, bestest, yummy-yummiest surprise for me, was France's Dogs, who were awesome throughout their entire existence, IMO.
I hope that you've enjoyed Poppers. I'm working on the next compilation series, should be ready to start posting it in the new year.
One more thing:
There is a "spot the blogger" element buried in these discs... but that's another story.
01 - The Stems - Make You Mine
02 - The Smithereens - Behind the Wall of Sleep
03 - Lyres - Here's A Heart
04 - The Moment - Games We Played
05 - The Jesus And Mary Chain - Head On
06 - Johnny Thunders and Patti Palladin - Treat Her Right
07 - Mystic Eyes - The Subject Of My Thoughts
08 - The Finks - Bright Lights, Nighttime Illusions
09 - The Pussywillows - Don't Say He's Gone
10 - Dogs - Down At Lulu's
11 - Miracle Workers - I'll walk away
12 - The Nomads - My Deadly Game
13 - The Primitives - Sick Of It
14 - Hoodoo Gurus - Bittersweet
15 - Ukase - Runaway
16 - The Infidels - Here I Am
17 - Rapiers - It's Been Nice
18 - Wreckless Eric - Tell Me I'm The Only One